The Weaver’s Apprentice, the Shade, and the Sisters of the Pool:
Behind the Story (Part 2)
First, I must once again thank everyone who has helped edit this section of the story. (With my new understanding of the importance of reader groups and editors, I will never again read acknowledgements at the end of a book the same way!) Their fingerprints can be found throughout the story, helping to shape and smooth out the rough edges of my imagination. I am indebted to them for their time and careful consideration.
I don’t have many details to add about the creation of this story, except that I found that Tinley’s story kept asking to pay tribute to the father of modern fantasy, J.R.R. Tolkien, and not just with the map that opened the newsletter.
In case you didn’t catch it, here are a few other intentional allusions:
1. There is a shape-shifting bear that reminds me of Beorn from The Hobbit, the gruff bee-keeper that shelters Bilbo, Gandalf, and all the dwarves.
2. Tolkien was fond of incorporating lyrics and song into his writing, and while I have not the skill he does, I wanted to give it a try.
3. The rune on the door to Tinley’s tavern room—reminiscent of the invisible sign Gandalf places on Bilbo’s front door.
4. Though not unique to Tolkien, both The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings were essentially quest stories, and Tinley is certainly on a quest.
At one point I mentioned to my dad that I wasn’t comfortable writing fantasy, suggesting that I might be better at writing short stories that try to convey some deeper meaning about life and relationships. I felt that somehow writing fantasy was difficult because it is just for fun and not as important. Dad suggested that 1) sometimes fantasy stories do have a much deeper meaning (for example, C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia), and 2) I should just enjoy myself and the act of creation and let the meaning develop (or not) more organically and perhaps less intentionally.
What about Tinley and her story? Will there be any takeaway? Who knows. I think you will need to read Part 3 on July 1, and make that decision for yourself. I look forward to sending it to all of you.
All my best,